Sunday, June 26, 2011

Water Melon Juice

Yummy and thirst quenching Water melon juice


Red Watermelon pieces
Tulsi Leaves

Pepper powder
Sugar if needed


Make Watermelon in to small pieces , and add 3 or 4 ginger pieces to it and mix and grind it in mixi and filter the pure juice from it , make juice from half slice of lemon and add it to the watermelon juice,add 4 tulasi leaves to the juice with pinch of salt and pepper powder.already watermelon is sweeter so if needed add sugar.Serve the juice chill or as it is.

Super Watermelon juice ready to beat the blues of summer....

Note: Dont remove the seeds from the water melon

1 comment:

  1. wow !! .. receipes are great .. Could you please cook and give :)
